PSA reflection and link

The Critical Art of Reflection - ART OF MENTORING

- What is your idea(s) that you are communicating to your audience in one sentence?

My ideas are to show cultural foods can make a big impact on an individual.

- What specific resources have helped you flesh out your idea(s)?

Some sources like the Oreo commercial and others helped me structure my ideas on this PSA.

- How did the genre of PSA as well as the medium that you chose help or hinder you in communicating your idea(s)? 

The informative genre of the PSA helped since it gave me ideas by illustrating examples for my own video to help the process along.

- How well do you think you did in convincing your audience of your argument for your idea(s)?

I think I did pretty well in my argument that food impacts you as an individual and as a whole for your culture.


  1. I really liked the video as it played out, it shows the connection you and some others may have to a food that their parents make. I know I'm missing my mom's cooking, especially being here. So, I can feel that connection you are trying to get at. - Gabby

  2. I really enjoyed your PSA because I really enjoyed the cartoon it kept my attention I also liked how you included your sources -Shaniyah

  3. I think you took a very different take on a PSA not only through your type of platform but your message as well. The cartoon was a really cool way to describe you PSA and many believe that PSA's have to do with sad and social issues but your take was also another way a PSA could happen- Jaleel

  4. This post just added to my homesickness, it reminds me of the love and warmth that is put into the making of sancocho, awesome job KAYLA! - Isabella :)

  5. I love sancocho so this hit very close to home. I believe highlighting the benefits of cultural foods like sancocho is important for its appeal to people who haven't tried yet. Overall this is a great acknowledgement of these types of foods and I really enjoyed the animated aspect. Good work! - Christopher Cardenas


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