Critical Summary Portfolio

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Portfolio: benefits and non benefits of produced foods

Is `organic` food actually healthier for you? interview

Genetically Modified Food (a song in praise) music  article 

In the interview with Dr. Marc Gillinov, a heart surgeon of the Cleveland clinic , explained that organic food has to meet a certain criteria to be considered organic. Organic foods are supposed to be “free of a lot of the things that farmers use to protect and optimize crops”. Based on what Dr. Gillinov has stated, one major benefit of organic foods is “being more natural” and “what you're thinking versus the health part”. While having very little evidence that doesn’t back it up, organic foods cost more and improve health. There was even a study, which stated that people who eat organic foods are less likely to get cancer; this was shown by a study in France using 80,000. But this is not 100% true. The truth is things that are less product are going to be healthier but the fact that you only eat organic foods is not the healthier choice since if you eat one thing of anything only it’s statistically not the best choice for the human body since the human body needs a little bit of everything. Dr. Gillinov stated, “The closer it is to the way it looks in nature, the more likely it is healthier for you.” “Organic foods may be good for the waistline, but you know what’s even better for the waistline is eat just for the right amount, not too much.” As stated by Dr. Gillinov, organic foods are more expensive that’s why people are more likely to buy produced foods. Either way organic and processed foods are not good for you if you either eat one excessively or the other, it has to be balanced to be considered healthy. When watching this interview I was really shocked with the information that was brought up about genetically modified foods because I was surprisingly interested in the topic when I never thought I would be.

In the song, it’s basically saying genetically modified foods are helping the environment and planet from famine. With it helping the amount of food it produces, abundance has been granted as a result. It may have its side effects. Roger M. Wilcox even said, “less waste, less harm, more food for everyone” He even says the benefit of genetically modified foods is that since we are overpopulated, we don’t have enough food to feed everyone; genetically modified foods are the solution to that problem. I believe that genetically modified products are saving the world because we have so many people entering this world. It's becoming overpopulated and not getting a solution but now it does. The song made me feel like whatever we do, it can't be fixed because of all the problems the world is in and has called.

In the article, Agriculture has a significant environmental impact in three key ways: water usage, climate change, and land use. Food production accounts for over a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. Half of the world’s habitable land is used for agriculture, which reduces the world’s biodiversity. It's important to be mindful of the food we eat and how it's produced. We can make a difference by supporting sustainable agriculture and reducing food waste. We can also reduce our environmental impact by choosing locally grown produce and eating less meat. We can all play a part in reducing our carbon footprint through our food choices. As suggested, we can reduce our carbon footprint by choosing locally grown produce and eating less meat. It's important to think about the impact that our food choices have on the environment. By choosing locally grown produce, we can help reduce the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances. And by eating less meat, we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses that are released into the atmosphere. It's great to see more people becoming aware of these issues and making changes in their lives to help protect the planet. When reading this I felt like more people should be aware of these issues and be educated on this subject to better understand the topic of helping the planet with food and agriculture.


Genetically modified foods and processed foods can be a part of someone's food identity or culture. Some people may prefer to eat certain foods because of their cultural background. However, it's important to remember that a balanced diet is key to overall health. Some people may prefer certain foods because of their cultural background or identity. However, it's important to keep in mind that a balanced diet is key to overall health. Food can be an important part of someone's cultural identity. For example, people may prefer certain foods because of their cultural background or family traditions. While it's great to enjoy the foods you love, it's important to remember that a balanced diet is key to overall health. Eating a variety of different foods can help ensure that you're getting all the nutrients you need to stay healthy. For example, someone who grew up in a family that loves Italian food might have a strong connection to dishes like pasta and pizza. However, it's important to remember that there are many other types of foods out there that can be just as delicious and nutritious. It's all about finding a balance that works for you! Based on the sources that are being shared, it's clear that food can be an important part of someone's cultural identity. For example, people may prefer certain foods because of their cultural background or family traditions. However, it's important to remember that a balanced diet is key to overall health. Eating a variety of different foods can help ensure that you're getting all the nutrients you need to stay healthy. For example, someone who grew up in a family that loves Italian food might have a strong connection to dishes like pasta and pizza. But it's important to keep in mind that there are many other types of foods out there that can be just as delicious and nutritious. It's all about finding a balance that works for you!


 What did you find most interesting? 

What can I improve on?

What could I have said better?


  1. Overall, I think your post is good. I really liked that you picked a song to write about. I didn’t even think about that, so that’s cool. But, I do wish you went more in depth about the song. I feel like the it’s a bit short, maybe include how the song made you feel and whether you agree or not would be good. I also liked your summary and choice in article, I enjoy learning about environmental science and the impacts humans have on the planet. In addition, adding more about how you feel in all three summaries would be beneficial as well. But again, you did a great job! I enjoyed reading. - Gabby

  2. Overall I think you covered all the points of the rubric. All the sources you chose give scientific reasoning as to how humans impact on Earth. Additionally I think that adding a bit more of your feelings into the summaries would give the audience an idea of your perspective. Good Job! - Isabella :)


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