Munchie Reflection

How To Control and Prevent the Munchies - RQS Blog

The woman in this clip shows perseverance and strength even after her father died and left her the family business. She clearly struggles with keeping the pretzel business thriving, but she will do anything she can to help. She is doing her best to carry on her father's legacy, so she is striving to keep it going. It is her goal to make him proud and prove to the world that she is capable of achieving her goals. It's up to her to make sure the pretzel business stays afloat. Her commitment and hard work will make sure that she can keep the business going, and she is determined to succeed. It's her dad's legacy that motivates her to keep going and to make sure that his dream lives on. Despite everything, she is determined to make the business a success. She's going to take her dad's dream and make it her own. Her goal is to ensure that the business lives on in his memory.


  1. I love how precise your point is on how she kept her family business going. I love how understanding you are of her situation; it makes me realize how important food traditions are in my family. I could never imagine myself in her position and I think you frame it beautifully. - Totemi Adeyinka


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