Recipe as a Narrative: Sancocho


Sancocho is one of those things that you think you want so much even when you're not sick. You just want it because it makes you feel warm ad full and like you are home. I remember one significant memory backing this particular meal: the house was cold one night during winter. My mom thought making sancocho was a good thing to do that day. Since it was such a hot meal and it felt like the time to have soup. And it was so filling. I even was able to cook with her since she wanted me to dance it with her.

                                       Link to PowerPoint:Presentation.pptx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really like how you describe this dish and how you can see it's personal to you. I also love how in-depth you go with your recipe and give step-by-step detail on it. Although I do wish that your reflection was really in-depth as much as the recipe itself.- Totemi Adeyinka


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